Seiji Ueda Lab, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Mar. 13th, 2021 The Commencement Ceremony of the Class of 2020 was held. Ms. Ikuko Kakenoshita took the Ph.D in Human Sciences Congratulations to All!
The 2020 under-graduation thesis interim presentation and final presentation were held online. It's only a graduation thesis, but it's still important for everyone.
Mar. 14th, 2020 The Commencement Ceremony of the Class of 2019 was Canceled due to the Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19 Congratulations to All!
Jan. 9th, 2020 Graduation Thesis Presentation of Undergraduates and a Small Party after the Event.
Dec. 6th, 2019 Social Drinking and Yakitori-dinner, 3rd-year Students of Lab.
Sep. 2nd-4th, 2019 Summer Seminar for Graduation Thesis in Yatsugatake, 4th-year Students
Mar. 6th, 2019 Ms. Sami Yukiko, Ph.D. Program Student of Lab., Took the Ph.D. in Human Sciences Congratulations!
Mar. 16th, 2019 Four Students Graduated from The University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo Congratulations!